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Free Google Keyword Tool

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Google Keyword Suggestion & Synonym Generator.

Use the SEO Keyword Tool to generate a list of relevant Google keyword suggestions and synonyms related to your keyword. Submit a single keyword and generate a list of the “Primary” keyword suggestions, “Secondary” keyword suggestions and synonyms. The generated keyword list is based on popular keywords, people use when searching on Google.

SEO Keyword Generator

Tip: Interested in automating your Keyword Research workflow? Explore the Keyword APIs →

Use the Free online Google Keyword Generator to identify keyword opportunities based on Google search suggestions. Broaden the focus of your content, with related and less competitive keywords, to attract more visitors from the organic results. You can also use the results from this tool, to get inspiration for the blog post your about to write.

What others say about this tool

cyrus shepard

Cyrus featured the SEO Keyword suggestion Tool as part of his blog post: Illustrated Guide to Advanced On-Page Topic Targeting for SEO
“The SEO Keyword Suggestion Tools was actually designed to return both primary and secondary related keywords, as well as options for synonyms and country targeting.”

Cyrus Shepard (Former Content Producer @ Moz)

NEW! Keyword Topics

To make this tool even more effective, you now have the possibility to add a keyword topic. Based on your input the keyword tool will combine your focus keyword with your topic and refine the results accordingly. By doing so, the tool is now able to return keyword suggestions that are more in line with keyword topic you are researching. This is best illustrated by a couple examples:

Example 1
Input keyword: apple
The results will vary from “Apple pie filling” to “Apple watch”.
So as you can see the results include is a pretty broad variation of keyword suggestions including the fruit “Apple” and the brand “Apple”.

Optimized results
Keyword topic: Pie
Results: Apple strudel, Apple tart, Apple fruit, Apple pie filling, Apple cake …

Example 2
Input keyword: SEO
The results will vary from “Seoul”, “Seokjin”, “SEO meaning” and “SEO Tools”.
In this case the keyword suggestions including the capital city of South Korea “Seoul” and Korean singer “Seokjin” and search engine optimization (SEO) related queries.

Optimized results
Keyword topic: Search marketing
Results: SEO ranking, SEO books, SEO marketing, SEO strategy, SEO services…

By adding your topic, the tool will have a  better understand  of the keyword theme you’re researching and therefore return results with a higher relevance.

After you’ve collected your keyword search suggestions you have the options to:

  • Analyse the keyword search volume and seasonality with Google trends.
  • Perform in-depth keyword analysis with the keyword research tool.
  • Check the rankings for the suggested keyword and find out how well your site and your competitors are ranking.
  • Get the search volume for the suggested keyword. You can use this tool also for bulk keyword search volume requests.
  • Search for relevant link building opportunities, related to the generated keyword suggestions.

SEO keyword generator

Google Keyword Generator Tool output:

  • Primary keyword suggestions – The keyword / keyword combinations directly related to your keyword.
  • Secondary keyword suggestions – The sub suggestions related to the Primary keyword list.
  • Keyword synonyms – Synonyms related to the entered keyword.
  • Character count – The keyword character count (including white spaces).
  • Google keyword search trends
  • Multi country / language support (currently supporting)
    • United states – English
    • United Kingdom -English
    • Ireland – English
    • Italy – Italien
    • Netherlands – Dutch
    • Germany – German
    • France – French
    • Canada – English
    • Spain – Spanish
    • Australia – English
    • Denmark – Danish
    • China – Chines
    • Thailand – Thais
    • India – English

Before writing a page or a blog article it can be very useful to do some keyword research to determine your keyword themes. The generated keyword suggestions can help you write more relevant content, better HTML titles and provide you with valuable long-tail keyword combinations.

Related tools

Export keyword data to .CSV

Use the .CSV export function to modify your keyword list in Excel.

  • The first 10 results are the Primary keyword suggestions
  • Inside the .CSV export, keyword groups are marked by the same result number.

Tool limitations

The current version of the tool doesn’t support suggestions for words including special characters like (Â, Ê, Ç, Ë, Ò, Ñ, etc.) When unable to process a word you’ll receive an (NA) message.


The keyword suggestions are influenced by country and language. If you like to get accurate suggestions for your country and language please leave a comment (including country and language) and I’ll add multi language support.

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32 thoughts on “Free Google Keyword Tool

  1. Jasja ter Horst (admin)


    • The Trends Graph now reports country specific keyword trends
    • Improved the output for Russian, Chinese and Danish characters
  2. greg

    Hi there, interesting tool! Any chance of getting New Zealand ( right next to Australia …but a little smaller ) with English language results?

  3. John Law

    I wonder whether it’s possible to add Malaysia as one of the countries for the SEO Keyword Research Tool?

  4. Jasja ter Horst (admin)


    • Changed the Google Trends Graph back to the old version because the new version isn’t returning results like it should.
  5. Thirly


    Useful tool, could you please add Belgium as a country and French as language.
    Thanks for these great tools

  6. vinayashree

    Thanks for sharing this great keyword tool!

  7. Saoire

    Hey, this looks like a really useful tool, going to start using it immediately!

    Any chance we could add Ireland to the mix above?


    • Jasja ter Horst (admin)

      Hey Saoire,

      How would you like to see these results returned?

      Search engine:
      Language: English

      Just let me know and I’ll add it to the tool.

      • Saoire

        Wow…thank you. For some reason I wasn’t notified of posts on this thread till today! Thank you for adding Ireland :)

  8. wendy46

    Hi and thanks for this tool. It’s really working and very helpful.
    I would like to know whether you put your focus keyword in all the images you have used in an article as your alt tags.

    • Jasja ter Horst (admin)

      Hey Wendy,

      Thanks for the positive feedback.

      If you use your keyword as part of a Alt tag phrase (describing the image content) you can use your keyword multiple times when appropriate. When you use a (single) keyword as Alt tag I would recommend using it only once, as it makes no sense adding the same Alt tag to multiple / different images.

      Hopes this answers your question..

      For further reading and additional info on this subject, I suggest reading this article:

  9. Roberto

    Hello, thank you for your excellent work!
    This website is a huge resource to me!

    Italian version of this powerful tool would be very appreciated!

    Thank you!

    • Admin

      Hi Roberto,

      I’ve added suggestions for Italy.

      • Roberto

        Thank you very much, I’m gonna make a good use of it! :)

  10. Thomas

    Hi there! Really enjoying the toolset you put together on this site, truely awesome!

    Been using a bunch of them lately in my everyday SEO work, but it would be really cool, to use the keyword suggestion tool aswell.
    Im from Denmark, mostly handling danish customers, so if danish would be added, i would be thrilled!

    Keep up the good work!

    • Admin

      Hi Thomas,

      I’ve added suggestions for Denmark. Can you let me know If the tool returns the ouput like expected?

  11. prashant

    While using this tool, i found that some suggested keywords have stop words like “For”, does it really matters ?

    • Admin

      Hi Prashant,

      When your focussing on competitive keyword phrases, preposition words like “For” are definitely important. When your talking about long tail search queries, it’s less important to exactly match the search suggestion / keyword phrase.

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