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Website Traffic Checker

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Website Traffic Estimator [Update].

Enter the URL of any website and find out how many people visit this site every month. In addition the Website Traffic Checker shows you how many pages an average user views and how many people will leave the site after just viewing a single page (bounce rate).

Website traffic checker

How can the Website Traffic Checker help you?

Competitor Research, find out…

  • How many people visit your competitors website?
  • How do visitors behave when visiting the website of your competitor?
  • What are your the most important traffic sources for your competitor / where do their visitors come from?

Calculate link value

To estimate the value of a potential backlink you can use metrics like Domain Authority and Domain Backlinks, but to my opinion visitor estimates are way more interesting and relevant when you’re trying to put a price on a link.

Website traffic benchmark

The website traffic estimator can also be used to compare / benchmark the visitor numbers provided by a publisher.

Website traffic analytics report

These are the web analytics statics you can expect after generating a report:

  • Total monthly Visitors (all sources):
  • Organic search traffic (SEO) – All visitors who find a website after using a search Engine like Google or Bing.
  • Paid traffic – All visitors who go to a website after clicking on any form of paid promotion.
  • Referral traffic – All visitors who come to a website after clicking a link on another website (with the exception of search engines and paid promotions) are labelled as referral traffic.
  • Social traffic – All visitors coming to your website from a social channel (for example Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, ect.).
  • Direct traffic – All visitors who can’t be assigned to one of the previous sources are automatically assigned to “Direct traffic”.

You can enter up to 10 domains to generate a traffic report for all these websites including an overview of the Average monthly Visitors, and traffic channel distribution.

Tool limitations

  • The numbers provided by this tool are all estimates, not absolute numbers, and therefore should be treated as such.
  • For websites with limited visitors the tool returns less accurate traffic estimates.

Related SEO Tools

  • Free Link Building Tool – Find 144 relevant link opportunities in just 3 steps..
  • Content assistant – Designed to help you write SEO friendly content.
  • Keyword tool – Find new keyword opportunities, including Search Volume, CPC and keyword difficulty.
  • Rank checker – Check if you already rank on the first page of Google and see who your competitors are.

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16 thoughts on “Website Traffic Checker

  1. jasperwesley


    This tool is very helpful for me in the judgment of traffic stats
    but from 2 weeks they are not working. kindly update us if is it permanently closed or not. if not so kindly give us estimated date of again working on this tool.
    waiting for your reply.

      • jasperwesley

        Thank you very much, for the quick issue resolving.

      • jasperwesley

        Hi, Jasja ter Horst,
        Last time the report included multiple traffic sources, now we only see organic/paid traffic sources.

        Is there still any conflict with this tool?

        • Jasja ter Horst (admin)

          Hi jasper,

          Looks like the source API is only providing organic and paid traffic.
          For this reason this is the data I’m able to return for now…

          • jasperwesley

            Thanks, these 2 sources are still helpful for me and the referral/direct traffic stats are a bonus for me.

  2. Sammy Dee

    Please fix your traffic estimate tool. Thanks!

  3. Sam

    I have used the traffic checker tool, but it shows an error “Sorry, problems connecting to the API, please try again after 5 minutes”.

    • Jasja ter Horst (admin)

      Hi Sam,

      Thank you for your feedback, I’m looking into this and will get back to you soon with more information.

  4. Jasja ter Horst (admin)


    • Expanded website traffic report with all specific traffic sources: Organic, Paid, Direct, Social, Referral statistics.
  5. Kamran

    I have checked traffic determine tool, but it shows an error “Sorry, problems connecting to the API, please try again after 5 minutes”.

    • Jasja ter Horst (admin)

      Hi Kamran,

      Yesterday there were some API issues, but the problems have been solved and all tools are up and running again.
      Thank you for the feedback!


  6. Harbond

    Hey, seems like your website traffic checker app is not working. Please fix it. I use it for my audits everyday!

    • Jasja ter Horst (admin)

      Hi Harbond,

      I experienced some troubles with the API over the weekend, but the problem is now fixed!
      Please give the tool another go.


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